01724 721761 | Mob: 07572 467025
Ball Mills and Engineering Specialists
All our business activities are governed by stringent QHSE principles designed to assure best practice and compliance across our operations. It is the policy of GWF Management to provide the highest quality equipment and services.
We recognise that client satisfaction depends on the quality of service that we provide, and to this end, we work hard to ensure our performance exceeds our customers' expectations. In addition to the fulfilment of our regulatory requirements we practice the following objectives in close co-operation with our customers, suppliers and distributors.
The continuous improvement of our Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental responsibilities is a key deliverable for GWF Management and the introduction and measurement of leading performance indicators help us to control risks and prevent accidents.
QHSE management systems are in place to ensure all activities are risk assessed and controlled accordingly. All incidents including near misses are reported and investigated, however we firmly believe in the proactive approach of monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) to help improve results and prevent any accidents from occurring.
Our services include:
Bill Mill Management
Media grading using mobile ball sorting units
Supply of machined and fabrication parts
Mechanical plant installation & refurbishment
Mechanical maintenance engineers
Removal and relocation of plant